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Indonesian Officials Visit Korea to Build e-Government Capacity
Date : 2017.10.18 Read : 16433
The Ministry of the Interior and Safety of the Republic of Korea offers an e-government capacity building programme for 11 government officials from Indonesia, headed by Imam Machdi, Director General for e-Government of the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform of Indonesia, from November 16 to 23. This training programme is one of the follow-up measures to the Korea-Indonesia E-Government Cooperation Center project.

Launched in Jakarta in March last year, the Korea-Indonesia E-Government Cooperation Center will run for three years, until December 2018. Both countries have contributed 1 million dollars each for the operation of the center. The center was designed to let Indonesia to learn about Korea’s e-government development experiences and support Korean companies to make inroads into the Indonesian digital government market. As part of cooperation, the two countries have carried out joint cooperation projects, informatization capacity building training programme and e-government policy consultation and so forth.

In 2016, they selected and conducted three joint cooperation projects as follows: 1) establishing a roadmap for the implementation of the e-government master plan; 2) mapping out the informatization plan for government work management; and 3) building the informatization plan for administrative information sharing. This year, they have been promoting 1) the development of e-Government Index for Indonesia; 2) the preparation for introducing the information resources enterprise architecture (EA) for the Indonesian e-government; and 3) the establishment of e-document and e-archive management plan in Indonesia.

The capacity building programme is aimed at sharing Korea’s cases on information resources management system and e-document management with the Indonesian officials through on-site visits to relevant agencies including the National Information Resources Service.

In Indonesia, the government officials are expanding the introduction of digital government to realize a more transparent and efficient government. During the training programme, the participants will give presentations on the status of Indonesia’s e-government and legislations as well as have in-depth discussion with Korean experts to further reinforce mutual cooperation in the field of e-government.

Mr. Chung Yoon Kee, Director General of e-Government Bureau, commented that “The training programme will serve as a good opportunity to build systematic, stable e-document and information resources management system in Indonesia.” “Through the Korea-Indonesia E-Government Cooperation Center, we will continue to support the development of Indonesia’s digital government and expansion of Korean ICT businesses into Indonesia,” he continued.
