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Members of the Indonesian House of Regional Representatives visited Korea to learn from local public corporation policies
Date : 2018.07.09 Read : 17922
Members of the Indonesian House of Regional Representatives visited Korea to learn from local public corporation policies

The Indonesian delegates from the Commission on Local Finance of the House of Regional Representatives (headed by lawmaker Ayi Hambali) visited the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS) on July 4 to learn from Korea’s local public corporation policies and systems.

The Indonesian House of Regional Representatives (DPD) is a constitutional body formed in 2004 with an aim to supplement the House of Representatives (DPR) which has the legislative power and to strengthen the parliament’s regional representativeness. The DPD has the right to submit bills on local finance and decentralization to the DPR.

The Indonesian delegation had a Q&A session on Korea’s local public corporation policies such as the role of local corporations in expanding financial revenues of local governments and cooperation projects mainly participated by local corporations.

In addition, they showed great interest in Korea’s best practices in securing the efficiency and responsibility of management through local corporation management assessment, management information disclosure system, and so forth.

Minister Kim Boo-kyum of the Interior and Safety who warmly received the Indonesian delegation commented that “the MOIS has helped foster friendly relations between Korea and Indonesia through cooperation in varying fields such as e-government, administrative reform and Saemaul Undong.” “I hope today’s meeting serve as a meaningful opportunity to learn from each other’s leading policies on local corporation management,” Minister added.
